Saturday, July 19, 2008

May I Have the Reality Check, Please?

The Mets' winning streak is finished. The odd thing is I feel a slight sense of relief. Why? Because the longer the streak lasted, the greater my disappointment would have been when it ended. That just shows you that some Mets' fans like myself have very warped minds when it comes to 'root, root, root for the home team". Hey, I remember when Mr. Met had a pointy nose, and Casey Stengel wanted to put one of Mrs. Payson's horses in the outfield, because they'd reach the ball before his outfielders did. When I went to college in Massachusetts in 1976 ( College of the Holy Cross) the MA students looked at me as though I was from Mars when they asked 'are you a Yankee fan?" and I replied 'No, I'm a Mets fan. I survived the Nolan Ryan for Jim Fergosi trade, which was much more difficult than making it through open heart surgery in 1962.

Yes, like the horseshoe crabs on Plum Beach, I am moved by primeval forces far beyond my understanding. Too much success too soon makes me nervous. Of all the Mets bloggers, I think Metstradamus would understand my feelings. Mets' fans who are 50 and older are like horseshoe crabs. They have developed very hard shells, try to dig themselves into the sand when something nasty happens during a game, and usually wind up stuck on their back, helpless against the Met Hostile universe.

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